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存 款 保 障 计 划 条 例的英文

"存 款 保 障 计 划 条 例"怎么读


  • deposit protection scheme ordinance
  • "存"英文翻译    exist; live; survive
  • "款"英文翻译    sincere
  • "保"英文翻译    defend; protect
  • "障"英文翻译    block; hinder; obstruct
  • "计"英文翻译    count; compute; calculate; n ...
  • "划"英文翻译    delimit; differentiate
  • "条"英文翻译    twig
  • "例"英文翻译    example; instance
  • "保 障 监 督" 英文翻译 :    safeguards
  • "财 务 计 划" 英文翻译 :    sfp
  • "全 面 保 障 监 督" 英文翻译 :    full-scope safeguards
  • "计 划 管 理 工 具" 英文翻译 :    project management tool
  • "自 动 购 货 计 划" 英文翻译 :    aro
  • "障" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词(阻隔; 遮挡) block; hinder; obstruct 障目 cover one's eyesⅡ名词(遮挡物) barrier; block; obstacle 屏障 protective screen; 路障 barricade; roadblock
  • "存" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(存在; 生存) exist; live; survive 残存 remnant; surviving; 名存实亡 exist only in name but not in reality2.(储存; 保存) store; keep 存粮 store up grain; 封存 seal up for safekeeping; 水库存了大量的水。 a large quantity of water is stored in the reservoir. 天气热, 西红柿存不住。 tomatoes won't keep in hot weather.3.(蓄积; 聚集) accumulate; collect 一下雨, 洼地里就存了好些水。 whenever it rains, a lot of water accumulates in the low-lying land.4.(储蓄) deposit 他总是把一半薪金存入银行。 he always deposits half of his salary in the bank.5.(寄存) leave with; check 存自行车 leave one's bicycle in a bicycle park; 你们可把箱子存在服务台。 you can check your suitcases in at the desk. 行李先存在这里, 回头再来取。 let's check our luggage here and come back for it later.6.(保留) reserve; retain 求同存异 seek common ground while reserving differences; 他有什么说什么, 肚子里存不住话。 he always says what he thinks; he can't hold anything back.7.(结存; 余留) remain on balance; be in stock 收支相抵, 净存两千元。 the accounts show a surplus of 2,000 yuan.8.(心里怀着) cherish; harbour 不存幻想 harbour no illusions; 存着很大的希望 cherish high hopes
  • "计 划 推 行 后 的 阶 段" 英文翻译 :    post implementation phase
  • "款" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(诚恳) sincere 款诚 sincere heart; 款曲 heartfelt feelings2.[书面语] (缓; 慢) leisurely; slow 款步 with deliberate stepsⅡ动词1.(招待; 款待) receive with hospitality; entertain 款客 entertain guests2.[书面语] (敲; 叩) knock 款门 knock at the doorⅢ名词1.(法令、 规章、 条约等条文里分的项目) section of an article in a legal document, etc.; paragraph 根据该条约的第六条第二款 according to article 6, section 2 of the treaty2.(款项; 钱) a sum of money; fund 筹款 raise funds; 公款 public funds; 汇款 remit money; 捐款 contribute money3.(书画上题的作者或赠送对象的姓名) the name of sender or recipient inscribed on a painting or a piece of calligraphy presented as a gift 上款 the name of recipient; 下款 the name of painter or calligrapher4.(姓氏) a surname 款辰 kuan chen
  • "划" 英文翻译 :    划动词1.(拨水前进) paddle; row 划船 paddle [row] a boat; go boating; 他们每分钟划 40桨。 they rowed 40 to the minute. 探险者们谨慎地把独木舟向上游划去。 the explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream.2.(合算) be to one's profit; pay 划得来。 it is worthwhile.; it pays. 这么好的地, 种饲料划不来。 it doesn't pay to grow feed crops on such good soil.3.(用尖锐的东西在别的东西上割) scratch; cut the surface of 划玻璃 cut a piece of glass; 闪电划过长空。 the lightning flashed across the sky. 她手划破了。 her hands were scratched.4.(一种东西在另一种东西上擦或扫过) scratch; strike 他划了一根火柴。 he struck a match.
  • "例" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(用来帮助说明或证明某种情况或说法的事物) example; instance 举例 give an example; 实例 instances2.(从前有过, 后来可以仿效或依据的事情) precedent 史无前例 without precedent in history; 无先例可援 have no precedent to go by3.(事例) case; instance 病例 case of illness; 案例 law case; 患这种病的七十八例中, 六十三例有显著好转。 out of the 78 cases of this disease, 63 showed marked progress.4.(规则; 体例) regulations; rules; statutes 法例 legal statutes; 旧例 an old rule; 条例 ordinances; regulations; rules; 不在此例。 that is an exception.Ⅱ形容词(按条例规定的; 照成规进行的) regular; routine
  • "保" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(保卫; 保护) defend; protect 保家卫国 protect our homes and defend our country; 保乌纱帽 protect one's official post2.(保持) keep; preserve; maintain in good condition 保水保肥 preserve moisture and fertility (in the soil); 毛衣穿了能保暖。 wearing a sweater will keep us warm.3.(保证; 担保做到) guarantee; ensure 保不住 cannot guarantee; 保质保量 guarantee both quality and quantity; 旱涝保收 ensure stable yields despite drought or waterlogging4.(担保) stand guarantor for sb.: 保外执行 [法律] serve a sentence on bailⅡ名词1.(保人; 保证人) guarantor 找保人 find a guarantor; 作保 stand as guarantor2.(旧时掌管某事之人) official in charge 少保 imperial tutor in charge of upbringing of the crown prince; 酒保 wine shop owner or waiter3.(旧时户籍的编制单位) administrative system4.(姓氏) a surname 保睿 bao rui
  • "乙 型 肝 炎 检 验 和 防 疫 注 射 计 划。" 英文翻译 :    viral hepatitis preventive service
  • "条" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(细长的树枝) twig 荆条 twigs of the chaste tree; 柳条 willow twigs2.(条子) slip; strip 面条儿 noodles; 布条儿 a strip of cloth3.(分项目的) item; article 第一条 article 1; 逐条 item by item; point by point4.(层次; 秩序; 条理) order; method 安排得有条有理 have used method ; put in perfect order5.(姓氏) a surname 条枚 tiao meiⅡ量词1.(用于细长的东西) 一条线 a piece of thread; 一条蛇 a snake ; 两条腿 two legs2.(用于以固定数量合成的某些长条形的东西) 一条儿香烟 a carton of cigarettes; 一条肥皂 a bar of soap3.(用于分项的) 一条新闻 a piece of news; an item of news; 几条意见 several suggestions; several pieces of advice4.(引申用于人体) 一条好嗓子 a good [sweet] voice; 一条人命 a life
  • "s计" 英文翻译 :    s-meter
  • "计" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(计算) count; compute; calculate; number 不计其数 countless; innumerable; 工作不计时间 be ready to work longer hours than required; not mind working extra hours; 数以万计 by the tens of thousands; numbering tens of thousands; 大小拖拉机计二十台。 the tractors, light and heavy, numbered twenty in all.; there were twenty light and heavy tractors in all.2.(设想; 打算) plan; plot 为长远计 from a long-term point of viewⅡ名词1.(测量或计算度数、时间等的仪器) meter; gauge 体温计 (clinical) thermometer; 雨量计 rain gauge2.(主意; 策略; 计划) idea; ruse; stratagem; plan 缓兵之计 stratagem to gain a respite; stalling tactics; 中计 fall into a trap; 眉头一皱, 计上心来。 knit the brows and a stratagem comes to mind. 他们一计不成, 又生一计。 their first ruse having failed, they tried another.3.(姓氏) a surname 计然 ji ran
  • "划、划、划小船" 英文翻译 :    row row row the boat
存 款 保 障 计 划 条 例的英文翻译,存 款 保 障 计 划 条 例英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译存 款 保 障 计 划 条 例,存 款 保 障 计 划 条 例的英文意思,存 款 保 障 計 劃 條 例的英文存 款 保 障 计 划 条 例 meaning in English存 款 保 障 計 劃 條 例的英文存 款 保 障 计 划 条 例怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。